Category: Blog

Syndication the answer?

Syndication Once upon a time, not too long ago in a land in which this blog was written, the idealist …

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Election 2023

The political D-day is nearly upon us and we should all by now know what party we are going to …

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The Big Squeeze

THE BIG SQUEEZE Auckland Council’s Planning, Environment and Parks Committee has decided to engage Aucklanders in a consultative process from …

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The Retirement Village Dilemma

Retirement villages are an interesting concept, it gives you a right to occupy space much like other concepts for different …

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Crouching tiger

I don’t read the paper/on-line economic news anymore as I know what it is going to tell me. We already …

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Six strikes – you’re out!

Six strikes – You’re out!   I don’t think anyone could accuse this government on sitting back and not doing …

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The good, the bad and the lucky

Blog – The good, the bad and the lucky Sept 2021 I don’t believe anyone can accuse this current government …

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The final instrument

The final instrument We are living in interesting times, with the fallout from the last subsidy round of the 2020 …

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Purchase price allocation

Purchase price allocation For sales of commercial property over $1M and residential over $7.5m. Before 1/7/21 both vendor and purchaser …

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Is Commercial the answer? by Jeff Brill

The population of NZ is, according to our statistics dept, growing to the tune of one extra person every 5 minutes and 55 seconds. This is calculated considering one birth every eight minutes, one death every 14 minutes and one immigrant being granted NZ Residency every 8 minutes. Property prices are climbing out of reach..

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